Storytelling will be the Strongest Currency in the World.

Rituparna GhoshFounder

Why Stories?

Stories are like AIR…everywhere & always around us. It is something that we need every single day & cannot live without. From the toddler’s adventures in school, to the win or loss of the day, fond memories of childhood, lessons learnt, in every crevice of our lives, to the nuts and bolts of our businesses, stories are in our DNA! We are always in the middle of a story, we finish one, only to begin another. And yet, we don’t use them well enough! 

Storytelling is the world’s oldest form of communication. From the cave paintings of primitive man, to the Westcar Papyrus from Egypt (between 2000-1300 BCE), stories are as old as humanity. Imagine a community of people sitting around a fire to share the events of the day, the real, the imaginary, the mythical! Stories have always brought communities together. The oral tradition of storytelling & its use in education goes back to the origin of our own Panchantantra Tales around 400 C.E. 

We all tell stories, whether consciously or unconsciously in our conversations, in our anecdotes, in recounting our experiences or making sense of them at a later date. The human brain is wired for stories and it is these same stories that hold the clue to human emotions. Stories help us connect the dots, look for meanings and find a rationale to respond. Stories give us ideas, answers and solutions. Stories when told effectively trigger emotions, connections and reactions in listeners. 

Are you using stories well enough?

A little more about us!

We are fuelled by stories and the immense power they have in shaping people, their lives, communities, businesses, and the world. We believe that everyone has a bag full of stories, and by using them in their life, work, and/or business, they make authentic connections and life-long impact. 

We are happy to see stories change classrooms, creating a joyful and memorable teaching-learning environment for teachers and students. We design a story curriculum, train school teachers, and shape storytellers who are working tirelessly to spread the story dust in nooks & corners of India. 

We trigger conversations between children & parents, so they grow with stories & create bonds that last a lifetime. Stories are shared as heirlooms in the family, making storytelling an activity that brings the family together. 

Everyone has a story to tell, and so we empower people to tell theirs, whether in an interview, during a presentation, while giving a talk, or building their personal brand. From public speaking, to communication, to simply owning one’s story brings a life-changing impact on people. Stories help in connecting the past to the present, and the present to the future. We work with not-for-profits in using storytelling for impact. We activate stories to help organisations raise funds, facilitate programs & communicate about their powerful work. 

We help large corporations use story design & story science to humanise their brand, onboard new employees while bringing together the workforce for a common goal, create companies ready for change, and nurture future leaders who lead with empathy.

As a small business ourselves, we align with business owners of all kinds so they can tell their business stories to the world. We see ourselves helping businesses create brands, package, market, sell products and services using stories that are ready to take on the world!  

Stories help in connecting the past to the present, and the present to the future. We work with not-for-profits in using storytelling for impact. We activate stories to help organisations raise funds, facilitate programs & communicate about their powerful work. 

We help large corporations use story design & story science to humanise their brand, onboard new employees while bringing together the workforce for a common goal, create companies ready for change, and nurture future leaders who lead with empathy.

Your Story Bag is a Storytelling, Training, Consulting & Coaching Company