We hope stories intrigue you. A story is a potent tool in the hands of the teller and we are here to help you harness the power of storytelling. Bridging the art & science of storytelling, our programs and courses are tailored to help you tell stories to your audience.

Tickle Your Story Bones is our flagship storytelling course. Over the years, we have designed several modules for different stakeholders, depending on WHO they tell stories to and for WHAT PURPOSE. All our courses, programs & workshops are now available on our newly launched YSB Learning Portal.

Go and find the course that suits you the most.

Find Courses

Want to become a Storyteller?

Choose from our range of Storytelling Programs and / or ask us to customize one for you!

Tickle Your Story Bones for Parents, Educators & Storytellers

This program was first designed for B.El.Ed Students in Delhi University where Rituparna taught for 5 years. Present both in the online and offline formats, this is our oldest storytelling program that has trained more than 120 storytellers and 1500 teachers across the country.

Storytelling for Entrepreneurs

How do entrepreneurs use stories to create a brand, market & sell their products & services? Learn to use stories to engage customers, build relations & create a customer journey. Use stories in social media, for personal branding and communication.

Storytelling for Not-for-Profits

Stories instill action. For a not-for-profit, a story is a powerful tool to achieve several goals. Learn to use stories for fund-raising, donor pitches, program facilitation, education, engagement, communication & awareness building. Use stories and storytelling for marketing and thought leadership. Choose from our standard course, or customize one for your organization.

Story UP!

Communication is NOT about speaking in English. It is about conveying your ideas & thoughts in a succinct way…in the language of your choice. Story UP! uses story-design to help you polish your public speaking & oral communication skills. This program is perfect for students (16+), young professionals, entrepreneurs/business owners, teachers, and anyone looking to UP their public speaking skills with Stories.

What’s in Your Story Bag?

Learn the art of personal storytelling & how to use stories for personal branding, thought leadership & communication. Learn to identify, retrieve, craft & tell stories with impact.

Tickle Your Story Bones for Manager, Leaders, L&D | Custom Programs for Corporate

Don’t see a program that suits you? Ask us more! We specialise in understanding your storytelling needs and designing custom workshops & training for your organisation.

Choose from a range of Tickle Your Story Bones Select Programs (Suitable for Professional Storytellers)

  1. Participatory Tales
  2. Before Expressions, Explore Emotions
  3. The Body of a Storyteller
  4. Children’s Literature & Read Aloud
  5. Music & Movement with children

Look up YSB Learning Portal for upcoming courses & workshops or contact to customise your workshop.